• Rusinek Rafał: Sound Transmission in the First Nonlinear Model of Middle Ear with an Active Implant, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2020, s. 1-24
    • Rusinek Rafał, Weremczuk Andrzej Recent advances in periodic vibrations of the middle ear with a floating mass transducer ,  MECCANICA, 2020,  vol.55,  p.1-13
    • Rusinek Rafał, Rekas Koanna, Wojtowicz Katarzyna, Zablotni Robert: Polyharmonic Vibrations of Human Middle Ear Implanted by Means of Nonlinear Coupler, Materials – 2021, vol. 14(18), s. 14-18
    • Rusinek Rafal: Effect of transducer fixation in the human middle ear on sound transfer, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MECHANICS - A/SOLIDS, 2021, vol. 85, s. 1-12
    • Rusinek Rafal, Kecik Krzysztof: Effect of linear electromechanical coupling in nonlinear implanted human middle ear, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2021, vol. 151, s. 1-14
    • Rusinek Rafal: Dynamics and Application of Modern, Smart, and Active Elements or Structures , MATERIALS, 2021, vol. 15(24), s. 1-5
    • Rusinek Rafal, Szymanski Marcin, Zablotni Robert: Biomechanics of the Human Middle Ear with Viscoelasticity of the Maxwell and the Kelvin–Voigt Type and Relaxation Effect, MATERIALS, 2020, vol. 13(17) s. 1-15.
    • Rusinek Rafal, Lenci Stefano: Stapes vibrations induced by piezoelectric floating mass transducer , Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2023-accepted, vol. --- s. ---.
    • 17.07-22.07.2022, Universite de Lyon, Lyon, France. 10th European Nonlinear Dynamics Conference. Presentation: Effect of Nonlinear Electromechanical Coupling in Implanted Middle Ear
    • 14.12-16.12.2020, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, UK. International Conference on Engineering Vibrations. Presentation: Nonlinear Vibrations In Bio-Electro-Mechanical System Of The Human Middle Ear
    • 07.05-10.05.2019, Lodz University of Technology, Lodz, Poland. 4th International Conference on Recent Advances in Nonlinear Mechanics. Presentation: Effect of transducer fixation in the human ear
    • 17.02-20.02.2019, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy. The First International Nonlinear Dynamics Conference. Presentation: Nonlinear effects in middle ear with active implant
    • Łacznik implantu ucha srodkowego o regulowanej sztywnosci / Politechnika Lubelska ; twórca: Rafał Rusinek. - Nr patentu B1 238475 ; Nr zgłoszenia patentowego A1 434365 // Wiadomości Urzędu Patentowego, 2021, nr 22, s. 10
    • Urzadzenie do pozyskiwania energii elektrycznej w uchu srodkowym / Politechnika Lubelska ; twórca: Rafał Rusinek, Jarosław Gawryluk. - Nr zgłoszenia patentowego A1 441421 // Biuletyn Urzędu Patentowego : Wynalazki i Wzory użytkowe, 2022, nr 47, s. 26.


Nonlinear Effects in the Middle Ear with an Active Implant


Project Leader:
Rafal Rusinek, Ph.D., Ds.C, Eng.
e-mail:  r.rusinek@pollub.pl


Lublin University of Technology
Mechanical Engineering Faculty
Department of Applied Mechanics
Nadbytrzycka 36, 20-618Lublin, Poland
tel. +48 81 53 84 892,  fax. +48 82 53  84 205


Project supported by National Science Centre (Poland) under the grant no. 2018/29/B/ST8/01293
